Monday, December 19, 2011

A very special "exhausted" Christmas...

"Exhausted" is probably the best way to describe the way I feel tonight as I pitter patter my fingers away on the keyboard;in an effort to visit all of you tonight. And the reason I'm exhausted is not because I beat myself up too much in the gym (of course I did that too); but my exhaustion tonight comes from a "much too long" shopping trip.

However, I am proud to announce that I have successfully found what I consider the perfect gift for all of the special people in my heart that I "gift". I even made my way to the kitchen to bake Christmas yummies and smiled as I thought of delivering them to the sweet people that deserve that very special sweet treat.

Christmas usually falls upon us that way. It sneaks up on us year after year and we look around and the final week is upon us. We run around for hours trying to find the perfect treasures to give to those we love and our hearts are heavy and burdened as we fight for parking places and places in long lines. Finally, we discover that we have finished and we let out a sigh of relief. We wrap all of our gifts in beautiful bows and set them under our dressed trees.

We make our way to the kitchen and bake the yummies that have defined us year after year. And finally when they are finished and the house smells in their yummy delight; we collapse on the nearest sofa and nestle ourselves against the arm.

And just as our tired eyes give in to a little nap..
We ponder about this and think about that...
we see all the faces that we see no more...
remembering all of the Christmas's that we've had before...
and that's when we realize that "exhausted" is a must..
to finish all the things for all of those who trust..
that we will do our best to make the season just right..
in case we do not get to share another Christmas night..

So please remember my little tired peas..
that this special Christmas before you and me..
is not promised in the years to come..
so give until your "exhausted" for this very special one...

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