Thursday, June 21, 2012

The emptiness of a new day...

Ahhh Life. It's the one thing that we can't seem to figure out no matter how hard we try. It's the mystery of what has been and what has yet to come. The moments of good and bad, happy and sad, fulfilment and disappointment all determine our days time and time again. We feel powerful, hopeless and sometimes absolutely taken back at some of the things that a new day delivers at our doorsteps. And from time to time a single moment can be so amazing that "Life" can seem the most beautiful experience that we will ever have. When was the last time you had one of those moments?

There are events in our lives that will always live further than our minds and the time that has lapsed since they happened. Those special moments that define us like marrying the person that we think we will love our whole lives, losing the person that we thought would love us our whole lives, bringing the little person into the world that we are certain will love us until our very end and saying goodbye to all of those that the Lord has decided that he is ready to have back. Unfortunately, these events will always take place regardless of the weather forecast or the time that our busy lives have allocated for us to deal with them.

Life will always take place with or without our consent my friends. We can make the calm times good or we can worry about the bad times so much that they steal away the empty days that have yet to come. When a new day is upon us; we should embrace the emptiness of it and work hard to fill it with positive, beautiful things. We should aim to fill these days so full until nothing else could possibly fit in them so we can relax at the end with gentle thoughts of all that we have contributed. Filling these days will help prepare us for the ones ahead of us that are filled without our help or consent. The days that we overfill with moments shared with those we love and care for will help us in the days that arrive without them. There is little time to reflect on difficult, hurtful things as we are given a new day. It's such a waste of space to share those events with a new, empty, promising day. Refuse to give in to the temptation.

Instead, wake up and smell the coffee, get crazy and even drink a cup of it. Walk to a window as you breath in the magnificent smell and hold the warmth against your palm. Smile at the trees and the birds and the life that is happening as you sip each yummy drop. Fill them slowly all the days that you are given. Add some hugs from the little arms that are reaching for you again this morning. Indulge in the sleepy eyes that resemble your own as you throw in some kisses on each sleepy cheek. Give back to those that are less fortunate than yourself. Deliver a Good Morning even if you were greeted with a frown; add some understanding, compassion and love while there is room left. We can make each day of this Life a better one for ourselves and all of those that surround by one, by slowly adding one beautiful thing at a time until we absolutely indulge at the end. This is life, fill it carefully and with much thought so that it doesn't slip away from you.....

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