Sunday, March 27, 2011

Maybe.."We are what we eat"

Have you ever really thought about the food that you put in your "temple" to help it run? I've pondered this thought lately as I pitter-patter through 60 daily minutes of cardio to attempt to "spring clean" the yummies of winter from my body. It leads me to believe time and time again that maybe we truly are what we eat.

I've been everything from chubby to fat, plump and then back to down right skinny. I've eaten everything, a little and even gone down to almost nothing in an effort to reach a weight that I am comfortable being. However, when I finally get back to the basics and simply eat the things that I know my body actually absorbs and uses, the same thing is always the case....I look amazing.

It leads me to wonder why most of us still manage to find it so difficult to eat healthy. We've read the charts time and time again; color is good, hence veggies, protein makes us beautiful and is proven to be the fuel for healthy hair, nails, and skin; but yet we still see "cute" women pretending to be vegetarians and depriving their bodies of the nutrients that it needs. Eat my friends! If we grow it then it will do something incredible for our bodies. If it's fried, then it will probably lead us to some type of medical problem later on. Six times a day we are given the opportunity to fuel our bodies so why do we keep falling short?

I challenge each and every one to appreciate the beautiful temple that the Lord has blessed you with and fill it with some of the foods that he has put here for us. I can assure you that it doesn't come in the form of simple white sugars. Let me know how great your feeling after this week. I challenge you because I want each and every one of you to be a healthier you..

And isn't there enough "skinny need to eat" women and "slow down before you have a heart attack" men out there for all of us to work toward being "How did you build that tone body" people out there?It's time we each take a step towards becoming a healthier American for our country and our children. There is a sense of urgency, and we can't wait anymore to start. Life is short my friends, help your body stay here a little longer...

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