Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I sit here at the same desk, sharing my thoughts with all of you once again. I feel a bit different today, a bit more like a writer, I suppose. I'm thrilled to share with all of you that my own fitness column, in a real paper; will be coming out tomorrow. It's funny how proud it can make you when someone notices your talent and appreciates the words that you share with others. I say "talent" because I didn't go to some fancy college to learn to write or even study journalism in high school to improve my chances of becoming a writer. It's just something that I feel in my heart and soul. It goes so far beyond a keyboard and a screen with the correct punctuation. I write for all of you when I am living life. I know exactly what I want to say before I even make it to the computer. I take you with me to the gym on days when I exceed my own expectations, and I have you with me when I run to ecape heartache or rough things that life throws at me. I enjoy sharing these experiences with you and assuring you that life is sometimes a struggle for all of us. It's no secret that I use fitness to not only improve my life but to also move away from it from time to time. It's such a useful tool in this journey that we call life. I've survived more things than most of you could ever imagine by strapping up a pair of running shoes. I can't explain it completely but can promise that your mind can completely move away from the biggest of situations when you start to pitter patter those two feet down a road that holds only you. It amazes me how much lighter your chest becomes as the miles pass. There are few things as satisfying as the accomplishments We can make in our own physiques. It goes so far beyond a perfect black bikini with the tightest set of abs to show it off. The satisfaction comes when you see that first tricep muscle that you built when you were recovering from a friend breaking your heart....Or when you finally make it out on the town in the cutest of dresses after losing the brother that you loved your whole life and you see those tight muscled legs that survived it by running mile after mile the year comes when you know without a doubt that no matter what lies ahead, you will not be defeated. We cannot see what lies ahead on the paths that we travel friends. Sometimes what awaits us can happen so quickly that We don't get to prepare for the blow it will throw us. Fitness feeds our soul, heals our hearts and keeps us keeping on even when We want to fall to our knees and never get back up... I've ran millions of miles on so many different roads of the places that life has taken me. I set a new record last week and did my 140th pullup...a man came up and shook my hand when I got off the bar...He asked how I'd made it to such a high number and told me how great the development of my back muscles were...I smiled with a teary eyed smile and said you should see what it's done for my heart...Life is wonderful friends, fitness makes it better...

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